Complete travel basket

    Complete travel basket
    Complete travel basket

    Complete travel basket

    the price AED 290

    • Delivery within the Emirates within 48 working hours
    • International shipping arrives within three business days.
    • VIP shipping is available within 24 hours only
    • UNIQUE COMPARTMENT: The picnic basket comes with an insulated compartment. You can use them to create a hot or cold zone inside the basket. You don't want your perishable food to enter the Danger Zone temperature while traveling. If you like to bring mayonnaise or meat dishes on your travels, an insulated picnic basket could be perfect for you.
    • HIGH-QUALITY MATERIALS: Made of wicker, the picnic basket is durable to protect your picnic contents for years to come. PU handle makes it easy to carry the basket wherever you go. Premium faux leather straps help secure components so there's no fear of anything moving around as all cutlery and utensils are secured to the basket.
    • HIGH-QUALITY MATERIALS: Made of wicker, the picnic basket is durable to protect your picnic contents for years to come. PU handle makes it easy to carry the basket wherever you go. Premium faux leather straps help secure ingredients so there's no fear of anything moving around as all cutlery and utensils are secured to the basket.
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